The Ant of Assembly

+++ cancelled due to health reasons +++ lecture performance for "Gesellschaftsspiele/ The Art of Assembly XII"

In the 12th issue of The Art of Assembly, scholar, and director Frédérique Aït-Touati describes her longtime collaboration with Latour on a “theater of negotiation.” The theater group andcompany&Co. praises the intelligence of insects and considers renaming itself to antcompany. Livestream.

Ants are a „secret world power“ – dumb individually, but supersmart as a collective: a „superorganism“. They make decisions without an approving authority. And without a process of deliberation. But maybe there is more to learn from ants. andcompany&Co. is in the process of transforming into the ANTCOMPANY. Recent research has shown that ants play an active role in the natural process of „weathering“. Thus they could help to cool down the planet. And to keep coal, oil and gas in the ground. The time for theorizing is over, time to start to experiment! Time for ANTiFA ACTION AGAINST FOSSIL FASCISM! Two species, one demand: CANCEL INDUSTRIAL CO²!