“If the kids are divid:ed …”
Everyone is confused, hyperactive, burnt out and constantly agitated at the same time. And so are we. But does this general state of affairs lead to mutual understanding? En contraire… Is “confusionism” the greatest mass disenfranchisement of all time? Is it the calculated work of right-wing and/or super-rich villains or the sabre-rattling of the zeitgeist? Are there still people behind it or machines that have taken on a life of their own? When did this “hyperpolitics” begin? What happened that suddenly not only the personal is supposed to be political, but also the political personal? Is that what has ruined us? And above all: how on earth can we work, think and breathe in such a time without contributing to the general confusion? The right-wingers long for redemption through a day X. But what light can we put on the horizon? Can only a golem save us in the end? Or is it just another machine hurtling towards darkness on its own? Truth or death!
“HYPERDARK” is a hybrid of lecture concert and live radio play developed by the Berlin theatre collective andcompany&Co. together with the poet Elisa Aseva, the video artist Kathrin Krottenthaler, the animation artist Hila Flashkes and the visual artist Raul Walch. Together, they confront a present in which all political categories seem to have become confused: Where is right, where is left, where is up, where is down…?